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Event Log

The event log is a powerful diagnostic tool that, by default, centralizes critical and error events.

List view

eventlog This tab presents information about the log events present on the device, by default it filters errors and only shows those errors with severity Error or Critical and retrieves them from the device at 10-minute intervals.

The Event Log section lists the events from the event viewer for Windows devices. By default, Workspaces only processes and displays in this section the critical and error events from the application, security, and system event logs.

By default, events are collected every 10 minutes; this time can be modified in the Workspaces settings.

The default view is for Today, starting at 12:00 AM in the timezone defined in the Workspaces instance. Using the button below the search, the time filter can be changed to different values.

  • Today.
  • This week.
  • This month.
  • This quarter.
  • This year.

Filtering options

This view allows the same filtering functionalities available in Workspaces. An example of filtering in this view would be filtering by a specific event ID to obtain a list of affected devices and subsequently apply corrective actions.

Event log information in Workspaces

tabevent In the details view of a Windows device, a tab is activated that groups the event logs for that device.

Detail view

The details view of an event log contains all the information about it, which is:

  • Event Date: Date of event logging in day and hour format.
  • Level: Event severity level.
  • Source: The source of the event.
  • **Event Id. Numeric identifier of the event.
  • Log File: The event log file that hosts the event.
  • Machine Name: Hostname of the device recording the error.
  • Message: The content of the event message.

Additional event configuration

Users with an administrator role can add events that do not meet the default filtering conditions, for example, to add events with a specific ID that, although having an informational severity level, are relevant to the organization, as well as change the update time of the logs.