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Detail view

Clicking on any record from the list of workspaces provides access to the device details. The interface is structured into four sections:



Available actions

From the device detail view, it is possible to perform the same actions for the active device as in the list view. This includes:

  • Microservices execution.
  • The actions included in the Operations button.

Microservice Execution

From the >- button, it is possible to run any microservice enabled for the organization that has System as the configured context. This allows the execution of microservices with administrative permissions on the devices. The actions of enabling, creating, modifying, or deleting microservices are carried out from the Portal.


By clicking on any item in the list view, you access the device detail view. From here, the same Operations as in the list view can also be executed, in addition to the Edit and Session Analyzer Tracking Log operations.


This operation allows the user to assign an identifier code to a workspace. It is a very useful feature to differentiate the device in specific processes, such as an inventory, for example. To access this option, you must click on Operations -> Edit -> Code. The Description section allows you to detail what the assigned code refers to.



When the code and description are defined, they will be visible in the general information block of the device.

Session Analyzer Tracking Log

The FlexxAgent Analyzer logs can be configured to include or exclude information by levels of criticality. From Operations -> Session Analyzer tracking log you can manage the log level change for FlexxAgent Analyzer.



The general information block of the device contains:

  • Name: Device hostname.
  • Status: Power status (on-off).
  • FlexxAgent Version: FlexxClient version number.
  • FlexxAgent Status: FlexxAgent execution status (running - stopped).
  • Last FlexxAgent report date: Date of the last report received from FlexxAgent on the device.
  • Connection type: Type of connection used by the device (ethernet - wireless).
  • Subnet: Network addressing.
  • MAC address: MAC identifier.
  • Network changes: Indicates if the device has recently changed its network configuration.
  • Number of sessions on the device: Number of user sessions established on the device in Connected or Disconnected state.
  • Last user: Last user connected to the device in domain\account format.
  • Connected from: When the selected device is a VDI or similar, it shows the name of the endpoint from which the virtual device is accessed.
  • Connection time: Connection date.
  • Domain: Domain to which the device belongs.
  • OU: Organizational unit of the domain where the device account resides.


The extended information block of the device contains:

  • RAM: Total amount of RAM.
  • Cores: Number of processor cores.
  • IP Address: Device IP address.
  • OS: Operating system.
  • Operating system: Operating system version.
  • OS Build: Operating system build number.
  • Uptime: Time the workspace has been running since it was last started or restarted. It is important to note that if quick start (fastboot) is enabled, the workspace is only turned off when it is restarted.
  • Idle time: The time elapsed since the last input event was received in the user session. Shows 0 if the user is effectively using any input device connected to the workspace.
  • Last Windows update: Date of the last applied patches.
  • Duration of the last boot: Duration of the last start (boot).
  • Pending restart: Determines if the device has a pending restart to apply updates.


The tabs at the bottom show grouped specific information. The following are included:


This tab offers a list view for user sessions established on the device, which can be active or inactive (disconnected user). tabsesion


This tab groups graphs of the main performance counters for the last two hours. tabperformance Graphs are included for:

  • CPU: Percentage of processor usage.
  • Memory: Amount of used and available memory.
  • Bandwidth Usage: Amount of incoming and outgoing traffic.
  • UID: User input delay, refers to the time lapse between the moment a user performs an action, such as clicking a mouse button or pressing a key, and the moment the corresponding response is displayed on the screen or executed.
  • Connection Signal: When the device is connected via any wireless method, percentage of signal reception.

At the top of the tab, a link allows direct access to the diagnostic view for the active device in Analyzer.


tabjob All actions performed from Workspaces on one or more devices are audited in the job queue. This tab allows you to check the jobs performed for the active device, without the need to go to the jobs section.


tabalert This tab displays a list of all active alerts, if any, for the active device. When a device has an active alert, a message is additionally displayed at the top of the screen. header-alert

Event Log

tabevent This tab presents information about the log events present on the device. By default, it filters the errors and only shows those errors with severity Error or Critical, and it fetches them from the device at 10-minute intervals.

Using the options available in the settings, it is possible to modify the sampling time or include specific events by their ID.

Connection Log

tabconex This tab contains information about connections to the device; that is, each time a user starts or reconnects a disconnected session.

The session end date is only reported for disconnected or closed sessions. While the session remains active, the session end date will remain empty.

Windows Services

W-Services This tab allows viewing the status of services and performing start, restart, or stop operations for Windows services.


disks This tab offers a list view with all the partitions present on all disks identified in the system, as well as statistics on their capacity and occupancy levels.

Boot History

tabs This tab allows viewing a graph of historical records of the time taken in the booting (boot) of the device.


tabnotifcation Allows you to see if the device has any active notifications and their configuration. When there are active notifications, a warning is additionally displayed at the top of the page.


FlexxAgent will detect if a device has Crowdstrike Falcon installed and display the information in the EDR tab of the device detail view. There you can check the installed version, the correct or incorrect execution status, as well as the CPU and memory resource usage.


If you also want to capture detections to display them in Workspaces, you must configure the API access data to the Crowdstrike Falcon instance in the CrowdStrike section of Level 3 -> Messaging service (IoT Hub).


comptab Allows you to see the status of the compliance policy configured for the active device. In the available actions at the top, by accessing the Operations button, there is the Enforce compliance action to update this field on demand.

Group Policy (GPO)

tabgpo This tab shows information about the group policies applied on the active device. Allows you to view the names of the policies as well as the check time.

PnP Devices

This tab allows you to see at the top the PnP devices that are in an error state, which could be due to hardware or driver malfunction or incorrect device or driver configuration. pnp At the bottom of the tab, all PnP events are logged. Each time a peripheral device is connected or disconnected, a record is generated in this table with the device information.