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Version: 25.2


The ChromeOS agent allows the inclusion of devices with this operating system in the service consoles, thus enabling complete visibility for support teams, both desktop and mobile devices of users. ChromeOS devices require an MDM platform like Google Admin to distribute the FlexxAgent APK.

For this operating system, FlexxAgent is offered in APK application format for the customer to distribute to devices with the mechanism of their choice.


When running FlexxAgent on a ChromeOS device, the fixed notification indicates that the agent is installed and running.

Supported versions

FlexxAgent runs on ChromeOS devices version 112 or later. The ChromeOS Flex edition is not supported.


Due to the restrictions of this operating system, certain functionalities are not available for this type of device, such as the execution of power actions, remote assistance, user microservices, or microservices from Workspaces or flows.

Due to how the ChromeOS operating system works, when the device screen is locked, it disconnects from the network, so the agent stops reporting. It starts reporting again when the device is unlocked.

Download and installation

It is installed unattended from the Google Admin console. Flexxible must request the application's APK file and the configuration file in JSON format to install FlexxAgent.

How to launch the installation to devices

Broadly speaking, the procedure consists of:

  1. From Google Admin, add the app as "Add private Android app" (Apps -> Web and Mobile apps).
  2. Go to Devices -> Chrome -> Apps and extensions -> Users & browsers, select the OU in which you want to deploy the app.
  3. Add the app, assign the managed configuration (JSON) and mark as "Force install".

Please review the linked links for more information on registering apps or deploying them to managed users in Google Admin.

For FlexxAgent to be configured correctly, the application needs to be opened at least once after installation on every device where it is distributed.

To perform this action, follow these steps:

  1. Access Google Play and go to "Manage apps and devices". chromeOS_install_1
  2. Go to the "Manage" tab and click on the FlexxAgent app. chromeOS_install_2
  3. On the app detail screen, click "Open". A window will open, confirming that the app has been successfully configured. Next, you can close the window. chromeOS_install_3 chromeOS_install_3

These steps do not need to be repeated when updating FlexxAgent. They are only necessary after the first installation.


The new version is distributed from Google Admin after configuring it.

Please review the linked links for more information on registering apps or deploying them to managed users in Google Admin.

Information obtained from the device


FlexxAgent obtains and sends the following general information to the consoles:

  • Device Name
  • Device Status: on or off
  • FlexxAgent version
  • FlexxAgent Status: running or stopped
  • Last FlexxAgent report: date and time of last report received
  • Connection: Wireless LAN, mobile network or unknown
  • Network: device network addressing and public IP for internet access. These networks are created automatically when more than four workspaces are connected to the same network.
  • Subnet: network segment of the device.
  • Network changes: last time the network changed
  • Sessions: number of user sessions
  • Last User: last user who logged in
  • Connected From: name of the device from which the user has logged in
  • Connection Time: date and time of session start.
  • Code: this field lets users identify the workspace with a personal code. This code must be manually filled in individually using the Edit option in the Operations menu of the workspace details.
  • RAM: total available RAM capacity
  • Cores: number of processor cores
  • IP address: device IP address on the local network
  • OS: operating system name
  • Operating system: operating system version
  • Uptime: time the device has been running since it was last started or rebooted.
  • Reboot Pending: shows if the device requires a reboot for updates.
  • Public IP and ISP: the ISP is obtained using the public IP. It might not be accurate if connected to a corporate network or using a VPN.
  • Region: obtained using the public IP. It might not be accurate if connected to a corporate network or using a VPN.
  • Session Analyzer: whether configured or not
  • Session Analyzer version: Session Analyzer version number
  • Report group: report group to which the device belongs


General device data, as well as the installed applications and their versions, are sent to the Analyzer.