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Version: 24.5

UX Panel

The Dashboard UX section allows you to graphically view the most relevant environment data, including inventory information, usage, locations, monitoring, and much more.


The view is configurable and allows you to segment the data by client organization, filter by dates, and select the widgets that will be part of the dashboard. The configuration of the widgets included in the dashboard, as well as their position and size, persists between user sessions, so it is only necessary to apply this configuration once.

Filter by organization

By default, the organization selector located in the top right of the screen has the All tenants option enabled, which allows viewing the aggregated information of all organizations that the user who logged into Workspaces has access to. To view the data of only one organization, it must be selected.

Note: This selector is only visible when the user has access to more than one organization.

Filter by dates

The date selector button allows you to apply time filters to the dashboard data:

  • Predefined filters for:
    • Today.
    • Yesterday.
    • Last 7 days.
    • Last 30 days.
    • This month.
    • Last month.
  • Custom filters that allow you to select the start and end date and time.


The different information boxes within the dashboard are called widgets. They can be repositioned, resized, or directly deleted by clicking on the x that appears when hovering over them.

Widgets included by default

The widgets offered by default in Workspaces are:

Current active sessions

Simultaneous active user sessions aggregated on the platform over time. This widget displays data filtered according to the date selector.

Average boot duration per day

Organization average boot time of their devices. This widget displays data filtered according to the date selector.

Average login duration per day

Organization average login time of their users. This widget displays data filtered according to the date selector.

Maximum simultaneous sessions

Maximum number of simultaneous sessions on the platform during the last month, last week, and today (connected and disconnected users). This widget displays data for a specific time period. Therefore, it is not filtered by the date selector.

Active alerts

Summary of simultaneous active alerts related to different elements of the environment. Information alerts are shown in green, warnings in yellow, and critical alerts in red. This widget displays data in real time. Therefore, it is not filtered by the date selector.

Inactive users (last seven days)

Users who have connected to a session at least once but have not connected in the past seven days. This widget displays data for a specific time period. Therefore, it is not filtered by the date selector.

Workspaces by ISP

A view of the different Internet service providers in use by the Workspaces. Because these are real-time data, date filtering is omitted.

Workspaces by country

A view of the different countries from which the workspaces are connected. Because these are real-time data, date filtering is omitted.

Number of workspaces by operating system

This widget displays data in real time. Therefore, it is not filtered by the date selector.

FlexxAgent version analysis

An analysis of the different versions of FlexxAgent used by the selected organization and operating system, therefore there is a widget for each supported operating system. This widget displays data in real time. Therefore, it is not filtered by the date selector.

The 5 sessions with the highest average duration per user

The 5 highest average session durations per user on the platform over time. This widget displays data filtered according to the date selector.

Current session capacity

Displays information about the number of sessions that can connect based on the current load in AVD (Azure Virtual Desktop) environments.

  • Number of session hosts: Number of session hosts in the host group.

  • Users per host: Number of users each session host can accommodate.

  • Total sessions: Maximum number of sessions according to the number of session hosts and the configuration of each.

  • Available: How many new sessions can connect.

  • Active: Current number of active sessions.

  • Disconnected: Current number of disconnected sessions.

  • Load: Current load percentage of the session host according to current use and availability. This widget displays data in real time. Therefore, it is not filtered by the date selector.

Top 10 workspaces by total bandwidth currently used

The 10 workspaces using the most bandwidth currently in KB/s. This widget displays data in real time. Therefore, it is not filtered by the date selector.

Current availability of the session host

Displays information about session host availability per host group in AVD (Azure Virtual Desktop) environments.

  • Session hosts: Number of session hosts. -Available: How many session hosts are ready to accept new connections.
  • %: Percentage of session hosts that are available.
  • Sessions not allowed: The number of session hosts that are in drain mode and cannot accept new connections. This widget displays data in real time. Therefore, it is not filtered by the date selector.

The 10 session hosts currently with the highest load

The 10 session hosts currently carrying the highest load in AVD (Azure Virtual Desktop) environments. This widget displays data in real time. Therefore, it is not filtered by the date selector.

Average login duration by group or catalog

The average duration of user logins in the group (Azure Virtual Desktop) or catalog (Citrix environments). This widget displays data filtered according to the date selector.

Top 10 workspaces by current total sessions

Top 10 workspaces sorted by the current number of sessions. This widget displays data in real time. Therefore, it is not filtered by the date selector.

Average login duration by operating system

The average duration of user logins by operating system. This widget displays data filtered according to the date selector.

The 10 most recent alerts

The 10 most recent alerts, sorted by severity. This widget displays data in real time. Therefore, it is not filtered by the date selector.

Top 10 workspaces by currently used total RAM

Top 10 Workspaces sorted by currently used RAM in GB. This widget displays data in real time. Therefore, it is not filtered by the date selector.

Current AVD resources

The number of workspaces, host groups and application groups created in Azure Virtual Desktop. This widget displays data in real time. Therefore, it is not filtered by the date selector.

Disconnected sessions

Simultaneously disconnected user sessions aggregated on the platform over time. This widget displays data filtered according to the date selector.

Workspaces by agent

Number of workspaces per agent, grouped by broker. This widget displays data in real time. Therefore, it is not filtered by the date selector.

Workspaces by city

A view of the different cities from which the workspaces connect. Because these are real-time data, date filtering is omitted.

Workspaces by wireless connection

A view of the different wireless connections in use by the workspaces. Because these are real-time data, date filtering is omitted.

Workspaces by public IP address

A view of the different public IP addresses in use by the workspaces. Because these are real-time data, date filtering is omitted.

Workspaces by hypervisor

Number of workspaces by hypervisor. This widget displays data in real time. Therefore, it is not filtered by the date selector.

Workspaces by operating system and build number

A classification of operating system and build number combinations sorted by the number of workspaces using each one. This widget displays data filtered according to the date selector.