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Version: 24.5


The Linux agent allows the inclusion of devices with this operating system in the service consoles, enabling support teams to have complete visibility of all devices in use within the organization. Linux support includes distributions such as Fedora, as well as Debian and its derivative Ubuntu. Both physical and virtual devices on VMware as a hypervisor and VDIs published with Citrix as a broker are supported.


FlexxAgent is composed of a process of the same name, which runs at the system level and obtains all device information: its consumption metrics, performance, and all information visible in the consoles related to the device. FlexxAgent-Session initiates an instance for each user session on the device. It collects session-related information, such as the applications used and their resource consumption, system resource usage by the session, and session delivery times.


Supported versions

Currently, FlexxAgent officially supports the following distributions and versions:

  • Fedora 37 or later
  • Debian/GNU Linux 11 (bullseye) or later
  • Ubuntu 22.04, 24.04

More distributions are periodically validated.

To include any distribution in the supported distributions list, please contact Flexxible.


Before installing, updating all system packages is recommended.

The necessary components will be installed, depending on the distribution. The packages are detailed below.

Package dependencies for Fedora and Debian:

  • dmidecode
  • imvirt
  • systemd


Certain functionalities are not available for Linux, such as remote assistance, user microservices, or executing flows, as well as collecting data from plug and play peripherals and proxy usage.

On-demand microservice execution from Workspaces supports Bash as the scripting language.

Download and installation

To install FlexxAgent, you must run the installation script using a preset configuration file.

The installation script can be downloaded from:

FlexxAgent downloads its latest version when the script is executed before installation.

The configuration file is required for installation. It can be obtained by contacting Flexxible.

Installation steps

  1. Download the installer from the URL.
  2. Grant permissions to the script.

    sudo chmod +x ./

  3. Run the script.

    sudo ./ -c [configuration file]

  4. Clean up the used files.

Installation script parameters

-v,--version <VERSION>Use a specific version; default is latest.
-d,--distro <DISTRO>The script automatically detects the DISTRIBUTION in use on the system it is running on. This parameter helps to force the installation of the FlexxAgent version for a specific DISTRIBUTION when working with derived or similar distributions.
--verbose,-VerboseDisplays diagnostic information.
-c,--config <CONFFILE>Applies the configuration from a configuration file; default is settings.conf.
-?,--?,-h,--help,-HelpDisplays help.


Install FlexxAgent with the configuration file: [-c|--config <path/file.conf>]

Install a specific version of FlexxAgent: [-v|--version <VERSION>]

Force the installation of FlexxAgent for a specific distribution: [-d|--distro <DISTRO>]

Access the help: -h|-?|--help


The uninstallation script can be downloaded from

Steps to uninstall:

  1. Download the uninstaller from the URL.

  2. Grant permissions to the script.

    sudo chmod +x ./

  3. Run the script.

    sudo ./

  4. Clean up the used files.

Uninstallation script parameters

-d,--distro <DISTRO>The script automatically detects the DISTRIBUTION in use on the system it is running on. This parameter helps to force the uninstallation of the FlexxAgent version for a specific DISTRIBUTION when working with derived or similar distributions.
-c,--cleanup <VERSION>Cleans configurations and logs; default is false.
-?,--?,-h,--help,-HelpDisplays help.


Uninstall and clean configurations and logs: [-c|--cleanup]

Force uninstallation for a DISTRO: [-d|--distro <DISTRO>]

Access the help:

sudo ./ --help


There are two ways to update FlexxAgent to its latest version:

  • From Workspaces, select the device and click on Operations -> FlexxAgent -> Update to the latest version.
  • Re-running the installation script to download and install the latest version.

Obtained fields


FlexxAgent obtains and sends the following general information to the consoles:

  • Name: device name
  • Device status: on, off.
  • Version: FlexxAgent version
  • FlexxAgent status: running, stopped
  • Last FlexxAgent report: date and time of last report received
  • Connection: wireless LAN, mobile network, ethernet, unknown.
  • Network: device network addressing and public IP for internet access. These networks are created automatically when more than four workspaces are connected to the same network.
  • Subnet: device's network segment
  • MAC Address
  • Wireless network: network name
  • Network signal: network reception percentage
  • Network changes: last time the network changed.
  • Sessions: number of user sessions
  • Last user
  • Connected from
  • Connection time: date and time of session start
  • Code: allows the user to identify the workspace with a personal code. This code must be manually filled in individually using the Edit option in the Operations menu of the workspace details.
  • RAM: total available RAM capacity
  • Cores: number of processor cores
  • IP Address: device's local network IP address
  • OS: operating system name
  • Operating system: operating system version
  • System disk: total disk capacity and usage percentage
  • Public IP and ISP: this ISP is obtained using the public IP. It may not be accurate if connected to a corporate network or using a VPN.
  • Region: obtained using the public IP. It might not be accurate if connected to a corporate network or using a VPN.
  • Broker type: if detected, shows the session broker used.
  • Delivery group: if detected, collection of machines selected from one or more machine catalogs.
  • Subscription: if detected, the subscription in use for Citrix Cloud, Azure services, etc.
  • Hypervisor: if virtualization is detected, shows the hypervisor used.
  • Session Analyzer: whether it is configured or not.
  • Session Analyzer version: Session Analyzer version number
  • Report group: report group to which the device belongs

At the level of detailed information that generates tabs in the device view in Workspaces, the following are included:

  • List of sessions with resource consumption details (CPU/RAM) for each session
  • List of workspace disks with occupied space
  • Graphical performance counters for CPU, RAM, bandwidth, and wireless connection signal


The general data of the device, as well as the installed applications and their versions, are sent to Analyzer.