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Version: 24.5

User Experience

In an organization, user experience measures how employees interact with the organization's digital ecosystem; this includes evaluating the performance of the hardware and software they use in their workday, as well as their emotional perception.


Basic Concepts

Analyzer builds the UXI indicator based on the weighting of two others:

  • Workspace Reliability Index (WRI)
  • User Sentiment

WRI (Workspace Reliability Index)

The Workspace Reliability Index, or device reliability indicator, allows for an objective performance score for a device based on the collection and analysis of detected issues. Multiple indicators are taken into account, which, if certain issues occur on the devices, subtract points from an initial 5-star rating. These metrics include:

HIGH_CPUMEDIUMAbove 85% for over 10 minutes
HIGH_RAMMEDIUMAbove 95% for over 10 minutes
BSODHIGHPresence of a BSOD (blue screen of death)
APP_CRASHESHIGHPresence of application crashes
APP_HANGSHIGHPresence of application hangs.
TEAMS_PROBLEMSHIGHIssues detected in Microsoft Teams
PNP_ERRORSHIGHErrors detected in peripherals
WIFI_SIGNALHIGHSignal below 30% for 10 minutes
LOGIN_DURATIONHIGHGreater than 60 seconds
UPTIMELOWGreater than 15 days
RESTART_PENDINGLOWGreater than one day
CRITICAL_EVENTLOGHIGHPresence of critical events in the event viewer
UIDMEDIUMHigh system response rate (greater than 350 ms)
LOW_STORAGEMEDIUMLow free disk space (less than 20%)
MULTIPLE_EVENTLOGS_ERRORSMEDIUMMore than 50 errors generated in the event log in the last hour
UNAVAILABLEMEDIUMSession unavailable for more than 5 minutes
RAM_UNDER_MINIMUMMEDIUMLess than 1 GB of free memory
WINDOWS_UPDATES_POOLEDMEDIUMWindows Update service running on pooled machine

Where each severity deducts the following score from the initial 5-star indicator.


User surveys

User sentiment is captured by launching surveys. And the way to respond is to provide a satisfaction grade based on a score between 0 and 5 stars.



The dashboard view of the User Experience section consists of the average information of all the devices and users in the organization; it is calculated daily.


The global numbers are offered at the top.

  • UXI Average: average experience indicator for the entire organization. It can range between 0 and 5.
  • Tendency: indicator that based on the evolution of the UXI average shows whether its trend is positive or negative.
  • Total users evaluated: total users evaluated
  • Total workspaces: total devices evaluated


Two charts are also included:

  • UXI Average: shows the distribution of users by UXI level, along with the organization average.
  • UXI Tendency: shows the temporal evolution of the UXI over the last month.

At the bottom of the screen, by clicking on a user, individual cases can be evaluated. Tables containing information on users who require attention due to significant variations in this indicator or very low scores can also be viewed.

Individual view

This view offers the user's data under analysis, which include:


  • Username: username reported in the user's session
  • Last report: date of the last report received for this user
  • UXI Average: experience indicator for the user; can range between 0 and 5.
  • Tendency: indicator that, based on the evolution of the user's UXI average, shows whether its trend is positive or negative.
  • Total workspaces: number of devices the user has worked on
  • Total poll answers processed: number of surveys the user has answered and are considered in this evaluation.

At the bottom of the screen, the information is detailed in table format.

  • Polls in the last 30 days: surveys answered by the user in the last 30 days. The detail of this view offers the user's survey scores compared to the organization's average for the same period.
  • Workspaces in the last 30 days: offers a table that contains all the devices the user worked on in that time frame, as well as how many times they worked on each one, the operating system, and the WRI indicator for each.
  • Issues in the last 30 days: Table showing the relationship of issues detected on devices used by the user in the last 30 days, as well as the date and score deducted from each of them.