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Version: 24.10

Reporting Groups

From Reporting groups you can create and preconfigure groups within the same organization using different criteria to meet the needs of departments, offices or user groups that make them up.


It is also possible to know which users and which roles have access to the reporting group. As well as activate Remote Assistance functionalities.

Reporting groups creation

To create a reporting group, press the New button and fill in the following fields:

  • Tenant: it is a dropdown, to select the tenant in which the new reporting group will be created.
  • Name: the name that the reporting group will have.
  • Environment: opens a dropdown to select the environment in which the reporting group will be.
  • Patch directive destination: opens a dropdown to select which patch policy the reporting group will be subjected to.
  • Fishing pattern: it is an optional field. Allows indicating the regular expression (RegEx) that will be used to add devices to the reporting group. For example: company (includes all devices whose names contain the word "company") or .*2023$ (includes devices whose name ends in "2023").

Once the reporting group has been created, it will appear in the table of the list view. The Reload button is very helpful if you want to refresh the list to ensure the reporting group has been created.

Fishing pattern

The fishing pattern allows automatically grouping in a reporting group the devices that share a regular expression (RegEx) in the name.

The devices that form the reporting group will be updated every hour. It is an automatic process that checks if there are new devices matching the configured RegEx. If there are, the devices will be moved to the corresponding reporting group.

It is important to pay attention to all the active RegEx to avoid conflicts between reporting groups, as it may happen that when creating a new one, its RegEx matches an existing one.

You can verify which reporting group a device is in from Reporting Groups, in the Workspaces module. And the history of a reporting group can be queried from the device detail view, in the Workspaces module.


If you want to check which reporting group the device has passed through, you can do so from Reporting group history, in the detail view of a workspace, in the Workspaces module.

Reporting groups list

The list view shows a table whose fields match the data requested to create the reporting group. It also has the Action field, which allows access to View details and Agent configuration.

View details

The detail view allows consulting three types of information about the selected reporting group:


This tab offers general information about the reporting group being consulted. The Edit button opens a form that allows you to change the initial characteristics of the group, such as the name or the patch directive destination.


This tab shows a table with the list of roles that can access the reporting group being consulted. In turn, this table also has the Action field -> View details, which allows you to consult more specific information about the roles: details, permissions and users.


  • Details: general information about the role. At the bottom right, the Edit button allows you to change the name of the role.
  • Permissions: through a table, shows the permissions that this role has in the Portal, Workspaces and Analyzer modules.
  • Users: through a table, shows a list of users assigned to that role.

More information about roles, users and permissions in Roles.


This tab shows the name and associated email of the users who make up the reporting group being consulted.

FlexxAgent configuration (Remote Assistance)

From here, a user with the Organization administrator in Portal access level can configure the type of remote assistance that the reporting group will have: interactive, unattended, dynamic or none.


This configuration is set from Productos, however, very specific and particular configurations can be made for the reporting groups.

For those organizations with sub-organizations, it is possible to list all the report groups. This is the sum of the report groups of the parent organization plus the report groups of all the sub-organizations. This view allows a multiple selection and enables or disables automatic agent updates in multiple report groups.