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Version: 24.10

Install FlexxAgent configuring proxy

FlexxAgent needs to have internet connectivity. In many organizations, users connect to the internet using a proxy server.


In the installation of FlexxAgent, the proxy server configuration can be included using the following command line options:

FlexxAgent-Installer.exe -proxyAbsoluteUri <http(s)://> -proxyUser ProxyUserName -proxyPass ProxyUserPassword -proxyPersistConfig -$True


Explanation of the options

  • proxyAboluteUri: the address of the proxy server, expressed as a full “URL”; for example
  • proxyUser: the user identifier for authentication on the proxy server; for example Administrator. This parameter is optional if the proxy server does not require authentication.
  • proxyPass: the password for the above identifier. This parameter is optional when the proxy does not require authentication.

The value can be plain text (not recommended) or base64 encoded, preceded and followed by the string “&&&"; for example &&&VGhpc0lzTjArQCQzY3VyZVBAJCR3MHJk&&&, in any case, FlexxAgent encrypts this value at startup.

For base64 encoding, you can use any generator, such as


This parameter must be specified to persist the proxy configuration entered in the other parameters. If not specified, the proxy configuration will only be used in the installation process and will not affect subsequent executions of FlexxAgent.

For Windows operating systems, the proxy configuration data will persist in the registry, within the following keys:

Key Proxy_URL

Key Proxy_User

  • Key path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Flexxible\FlexxAgent\Communications
  • Key Name: Proxy_User
  • Key type: REG_SZ
  • Supported values: the username to authenticate to the proxy; for example 'Administrator'. It can be bypassed for unauthenticated proxies.

Key Proxy_Pwd

  • Key path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Flexxible\FlexxAgent\Communications
  • Key Name: Proxy_Pwd
  • Key type: REG_SZ
  • Accepted values: the password for authenticating to the proxy. It can be bypassed for unauthenticated proxies. The Proxy_Pwd key value can be set in plain text (not recommended) or base64 encoded and enclosed by «&&&»; for example &&&VGhpc0lzTjArQCQzY3VyZVBAJCR3MHJk&&& for the “Proxy_Pwd” value.